How to effectively increase male strength?

Few will argue with the fact that intimate relationships play an important role in the life of a man and a woman. And if something goes wrong in these relationships, it can destroy relationships that are based on genuine love and mutual trust. Therefore, the issue of increasing male power is very important, so what should be done so that a man is always satisfied with a woman?

A man shows sexual interest in his beloved woman after increasing potency

There are many ways to increase potency, but it should be noted right away that the most important is a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, this sounds cliché, but it is true. In order to improve health and increase potency, a man should show interest in certain products that have the most favorable effect on male strength.

It should be noted that a man's strength depends to a large extent on his emotional state: the best results can be observed when a man has genuine feelings for his partner.

Recipes to increase male strength

Fragrant drink based on tea, honey and vodka to strengthen male strength

Take 50 g of strong tea (you must not use hot tea in this recipe, it must cool to at least 50 °C). Then you need to take 50 g of honey (as you know, honey has the most favorable effect on male potency), and you will also need 50 g of vodka. Of course, vodka is not the product that is recommended to increase male strength, but in moderate doses and in combination with the above ingredients, vodka is not bad, but good.

All these products must be thoroughly mixed and then heated, but not much - up to 60 ° C. After that, drink the drink with a very pleasant taste and aroma, but what is very important, drink it in one gulp. If we prepare everything correctly, there is no doubt that everything will be fine with the potency, and the woman will not be disappointed. Such a product is eloquently called "Die Hard", and from one name it becomes clear that it is intended for real men.

Take a small glass of wine (its capacity can be up to 200 g) and pour 70 g of liqueur into it. A product like liquor is also excellent for increasing male potency, but it should be taken into account that a positive effect is possible only in moderate doses. Now you need to put an egg yolk in a glass of liqueur (separating the yolk from the protein is not difficult at all). And now they use a product that causes a warm reaction in most of the stronger sex - cognac (you can use rum). The consistency should be as follows: the drink is multi-colored, with egg yolk floating in it, reminiscent of the sun. Therefore, such a drink to increase potency is called "Clear Sun". You need to drink such a product in a sip, which is called a hussar, and there is no doubt that the effect will not take long.

A wine drink containing coffee, sugar and calendula increases a man's potency

For the following recipe to increase the potency, you will need the following products: ground coffee (3 teaspoons is enough), water (3 cups), granulated sugar (one teaspoon is enough), dried marigolds and boil it all, but you have to do it very quickly. When these products boil, pour in a glass of wine (you must do it slowly, otherwise there will be no effect) and boil it all again, then strain it well.

Now everything should cool down and add a little honey (as already mentioned, this sweet and tasty product is very good for increasing potency). The drink is simply called "Honey".

You need to know the measure

All this helps to increase male strength in the best way, but you should immediately warn the representatives of the stronger sex that you need to know the sense of proportion. If the doses described above are doubled, the effect will not be as expected, but quite the opposite. You should know that the abuse of alcohol has the most harmful effect on potency, and all alcoholics sooner or later (and in most cases sooner) become impotent.

The increase in male strength is, of course, very important for all members of the stronger sex, but it must be taken into account that it should not be an end in itself. And do not take various drugs of dubious quality that promise fantastic results - things can end badly.

Exercises that increase male strength

Regular exercise helps to increase men's strength.

For a man to feel confident, it is not enough to just eat the right foods and live a healthy life.Certain exercises must be performed regularly, and if you do them on time and correctly, you can be sure of a positive result. Such exercises should become men's daily gymnastics, and experts have long proven the effectiveness of such gymnastics. Performing these exercises is simply necessary for men who for some reason no longer show sufficient interest in sex, their erections have weakened.

  1. You need to start with the exercise called "The First Step". The man stands straight, his hands are gently lowered. He needs to walk, raising his knees to the maximum limit. While performing this exercise, he should try to press his knees to his stomach as much as possible.
  2. Another very effective exercise is the Bridge. You should lie on your back with knees half bent, feet flat on the floor, arms extended along the body. The pelvis should be raised while the back evenly touches the floor. After that, you need to stand up straight (while bending your knees slightly) and start running in place, but the socks will not come off the floor, but the heels. Despite the apparent simplicity, performing such an exercise is quite difficult and tiring, so at first it is enough to do it for no more than one minute. Such measures have the most positive effect on potency.
  3. Now you need to sit on a chair (it should be comfortable), lean forward a little, while straightening your shoulders, and try to draw something imaginary in yourself, and the retreat should be performed by the location. between the anus and the testicles. Such an exercise is called "vacuum cleaner" and greatly contributes to the increase in potency.
  4. The man carefully sits down on a chair and holds it by the back, then starts circular movements with his pelvis. When performing this exercise, it is very important to breathe correctly with your stomach, and when it comes time to exhale, you need to pull in the anus and do it with maximum sharpness, then the effect will be positive. It should be remembered that the circular movement of the pool should be very smooth, you should perform 6-12 repetitions (as it turns out), then rest for 2-3 minutes and perform another 2-3 approaches.
Preventing potency problems allows you to enjoy your sex life with your partner

Such exercises significantly increase men's strength, as blood flow to the genitals increases, and what is very important, the muscles that are responsible for potency work better.

However, a sense of proportion is important in everything, so you should not immediately give the body a maximum load, you should start small and gradually increase the load.

It should be noted that you should not wait until male strength decreases - preventive measures lead to much more positive results.

What foods increase potency?

In order for a man to feel as confident as possible in bed, he should pay special attention to his diet, as there are foods that help him gain self-confidence. Therefore, if you are concerned about male enhancement, you should eat more foods such as nuts, olive oil and avocado. The thing is, they contain a fair amount of monounsaturated fat.

Few people know that the famous womanizer Casanova ate 50 g of oysters in the morning (if you need products that increase male strength, then oysters are the best), and he did it well - this seafood contains a large amount of zinc, and This substancecontributes to sperm production and circulation. If you can't eat oysters in that amount, that's okay - chocolate, crabs, and fish contain large amounts of zinc.

You should eat more oatmeal, which contains the amino acids needed to increase potency and helps strengthen blood vessels. And we have to tell you again about the dangers of drunkenness: men who drink alcohol every day risk a 7% loss of testosterone after 3 weeks.

Scallions and garlic, as well as leeks, are very good helpers for men. If we are talking about such a product as bread, which no real man can do without, then rye bread should be preferred. The fact is that rye contains vitamin B, which is very necessary to increase erection.

So increasing potency is in the hands of every man.